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Keystone Exams And Graduation Requirement Information Night

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Parents/guardians of Radnor High School students in grades 9-11 were invited to attend a Keystone Exam and Graduation Requirement Information Session on February 24, 2022. During this session, administration provided parents and guardians with an overview of Act 158 of 2018 as it relates to the Pennsylvania graduation requirement, and how it affects RHS students. They also reviewed the Keystone Exams, including the testing window and how to prepare, and the different graduation pathways. The event concluded with Q& A with attendees.

Standard Application For Teaching Positions In

Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Prospective employees must submit ORIGINAL report, which may … This application was developed, in accordance with Section 1204.1 of Act 107 of 1996, by the Pennsylvania Department of Education is consultation with organizations representing school administrators, including personnel administrators …

Act 158 Graduation Requirements

Act 158 was signed into law on October 24, 2018, shifting Pennsylvanias reliance on high stakes testing as a graduation requirement. Act 158 of 2018, in conjunction with Act 6 of 2017, expands the options for students to demonstrate postsecondary readiness. Formerly, Pennsylvanias statewide graduation requirements were more restrictive, requiring most students to pass the Keystone Exams – end of course exams in Algebra I, Literature, and Biology. The new statewide graduation requirements were set to take effect starting with the graduating class of 2022. However, on November 25, 2020, the Governor signed Senate Bill 1216, making it Act 136 of 2020. Act 136 shifted the new statewide graduation requirements to take effect starting with the class of 2023. It did not modify the actual requirements. Act 158 of 2018 establishes five pathways for students to demonstrate college, career, and community readiness. The High School guidance team is available to support students in determining the pathways to graduation that are appropriate and achievable for each individual student.Students in the class of 2023 forward can meet the statewide graduation requirement within the Riverside Beaver County School District through one of the following pathways:

Pathway 1: Keystone Proficiency Pathway: Scoring proficient or advanced on each of the Keystone Exams – Algebra I, Literature, and Biology.

Including two of the following pieces of evidence:

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Preparing For The Algebra 1 Keystone Exam

Students enrolled in Algebra 1 or Algebra 1B are required to take the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam at the end of the course. Students who are currently taking one of these courses will be prepared for the assessment through their daily coursework in the class. The curriuclum students are studying daily is fully aligned to the elgible content on the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam.

Students who are not proficient or advanced are able to retest until they pass or reach the end of their Junior year in high school. Students who need to retest have access to a variety of resources to help prepare for the test. These resources are listed below.

Keystone Exams During The Covid

Algebra 1 Eoc Practice Test

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the statewide graduation requirement associated with Keystone proficiency has been postponed and now only applies to the Class of 2023 and beyond. Current seniors are exempt from the Pennsylvania State Graduation Requirement. For additional information, please see the Keystone Resource FAQ.

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Keystone Exam Information And Resources

What are the Keystone Exams?

The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to evaluate proficiency in three content areas: Algebra I, Literature and Biology. Federal and state law require all students to take each exam at least once, unless the student has significant disabilities that would qualify them to take an alternate test called the Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment . The Keystone Exams are also one component of the high school graduation requirements for students in the state of Pennsylvania.

The results of the Keystone Exams factor into our schools Future Ready Index rating, which is issued annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. They also factor into the evaluation ratings of teachers, administrators, and other professional staff members.

When do students take the Keystone Exams?

Students take each exam at the conclusion of the associated course in which the eligible content for the exam is taught. Students in the East Penn School District are administered each exam as follows:

  • The Algebra Keystone Exam is administered in the spring of the year that students are enrolled in Algebra 1 .
  • The Literature Keystone Exam is administered in the spring of the students tenth grade year.
  • The Biology Keystone Exam is administered in the spring of the year that students are enrolled in Biology 1 or Honors.

How are the Keystone Exams scored? When can I expect to receive my scores?

What is PA Act 158?


About The Algebra 1 Keystone Exam In Cbsd

The Algebra 1 Keystone Exam is Pennsylvania’s end of course assessment for Algebra. The test consists of two 1.5 hour assessments. The first assessment module tests knowledge of Operations and Linear Equations & Inequalities. The second assessment module tests knowledge of Linear Functions and Data Organizations. The assessment includes both multiple-choice and open-ended responses. You will find testing resources and information to help prepare for the Algebra 1 Keystone Exam below.

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Class Of 2023 And Beyond

Per Act 158, should any student in the Class of 2023 and below not achieve advanced or proficient on the Keystones, they can now meet the statewide graduation requirements by completing one of the followingpathways. The information below was adapted from the PDE website on graduation requirements on November 10, 2021.

Approved Act 158 Keystone Exam Composite Score

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On July 11, 2019, the State Board of Education approved the recommendation of the Secretary of Education for a satisfactory Keystone Exam composite score of 4452 that would be used as one of the pathways to graduation under Act 158 of 2018.

Under Act 158, a student may demonstrate proficiency for high school graduation through the Keystone Composite Pathway by earning a satisfactory composite score on the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams .

A composite score is the sum of the scale scores for the three Keystone Exams. A student must achieve at least a scale score of 1500 on any one exam in order to score proficient, with 4500 as the sum of three proficient scores.

The composite score of 4452 benefits the student by helping to ensure that a student who may have missed the composite cut of 4500 due to measurement error is not prevented from being able to graduate. Act 158 also requires that students who meet the composite score must also score proficient on one of the three exams and no less than basic on the other two. Approximately 65.4% of the 2017-18 grade 12 population scored at least 4452 and were proficient on one exam and at least basic on the other two.

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