Sunday, September 1, 2024

What Is The Geography Of Paraguay

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Asunción Geography/Capital of Paraguay

The World Travel Guide is the flagship digital consumer brand within the Columbus Travel Media portfolio. A comprehensive guide to the worlds best travel destinations, its print heritage stretches back more than 30 years, with the online portal reaching its 20-year anniversary in 2019. Available in English, German and Spanish versions, the WTG provides detailed and accurate travel content designed to inspire global travellers. It covers all aspects, from cities to airports, cruise ports to ski and beach resorts, attractions to events, and it also includes weekly travel news, features and quizzes. Updated every day by a dedicated global editorial team, the portal logs 1 million+ unique users monthly.

What To Expect From The Climate In Paraguay

The;climate in Paraguay is;subtropical to temperate. Due to its extensive geography, it features various types of weather. A subtropical Climate in the Parareña region, and tropical climate near the Chaco. The country experiences substantial rainfall in the eastern portions and is becoming semiarid in the far west. Paraguay;has an agreeable climate with not too many extremessummer from October through March, and winter from May until August. The coldest month is July, with average temperatures of about 17°C , while January, the warmest month, sees temperatures typically close to 30°C .

Paraguay Facts For Kids

Paraguayos, República o Muerte;;Paraguayans, Republic or Death
  • Mixed European and Amerindian.
  • Paraguay, officially the Republic of Paraguay , is a small country in South America. It is landlocked, meaning that it does not touch the ocean. It is bordered to the North and East by Brazil, the West by Bolivia, and the South and Southeast by Argentina. The main languages are Spanish and Guaraní. Paraguay’s population is about 6 million. The ethnic makeup of the population is like the following: Mestizo 80%, European 20%, unmixed Amerindian 1-3%, Asian 1-4%.

    Over of the population lives below the poverty line.

    Paraguay has two official languages, Spanish and Guarani. Guaraní is recognized as a national language.

    The capital city is Asuncion. Asuncion was founded in 1537 by a man from Spain named Juan de Salazar. Paraguay was a colony of Spain. Paraguay became independent from Spain in 1811.

    From 18651870 Paraguay lost land and most of its male population in the War of the Triple Alliance against Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. It gained land in the Chaco War against Bolivia in the 1930s.

    Paraguay’s religion is Roman Catholicism.

    The weather is more humid in the east and dryer in the west.

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    Geography And Climate Of Paraguay

    Paraguay’s topography consists of grassy plains and low wooded hills east of its main river, the Rio Paraguay, while the Chaco region west of the river consists of low marshy plains. Farther from the river the landscape is dominated by dry forests, scrub, and jungles in some locations. Eastern Paraguay, between the Rio Paraguay and the Rio Parana, features higher elevations and it is where most of the country’s population is clustered.

    The climate of Paraguay is considered subtropical to temperate, depending on one’s location within the country. In the eastern area,;there is significant rainfall, while in the far west it is semiarid.

    Paraguays Conflicts With Its Neighbours

    Geography of Paraguay

    While López was attempting to modernize Paraguay, he also had to attend to border crises with Brazil and Argentina. Those crises convinced him that Paraguayan modernization should proceed along military avenues. Thus, hundreds of foreign engineers, medical workers, scientists, machinists, and advisers were put to work on military projects. López was threatened by a major Brazilian naval expedition on the Paraná River in 1855. In 1858 a large flotilla of the U.S. Navy appeared to force a solution to a complex diplomatic issue, but British war vessels captured and held for a time the flagship of the small Paraguayan navy. In most of those contretemps, López was forced to give in, and the consequent humiliation lent greater urgency to his desire to strengthen Paraguays defenses. By the time of his death, in September 1862, he had created a major regional military machine. López, a cautious man, warned his eldest son, Francisco Solano López, who was to succeed him, not to use the new military might capriciously but to settle disputes through diplomacy and negotiation.

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    The Cuisine Of Paraguay

    Vegetables, meat, maize, fish, cheese, corn, milk, cassava, etc., are common food products used in Paraguayan cuisine. Traditional barbecue of the country is called Asado and is a popular social event. Cassava, egg, and cheese are used to make chipa . Lampreado is a delicious fried cake made with cassava flour. Mbejú is the staple food of the diet. It is basically a starch cake that is served with vegetables, meat, or fish. Pira caldo , milanesa , soyo , vori vori , etc., are some common dishes of the Paraguayan cuisine. Terere is the countrys national drink. Beer, wine, soft drinks, and fruit juices are other beverages consumed in the country.

    The Start Of Modernization

    When Francia died, he left behind a quietly prosperous country that had adjusted well to what amounted to state socialism, but he also left a country of rustics with no political experience and a strong tradition of dictatorial rule. In 1841 a second consulate emerged from the chaos in the figures of a civilian, Carlos Antonio López, and a soldier, Mariano Roque Alonso. It was soon clear that López was the true ruler of Paraguay, and in 1844 a congress named him president. The same congress promulgated a constitution, notable for the great powers accorded the president and the absence of the word liberty from its text. López devoted much of his two decades in power to opening the country slowly to the wider world and to modernization. Doing so provoked international crises, and it was not until after the fall of the Argentine dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas in 1852 that Argentina recognized Paraguayan sovereignty and eased its stranglehold on the rivers leading to the sea.

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    Daily Life And Social Customs

    Social life tends to revolve around the family. Godparents are particularly important; if parents become unable to provide for their children, godparents are expected to assume responsibility for them.

    Paraguayan cuisine reflects traditional Guaraní cooking styles. Beef dishes and freshwater river fish are popular. Other typical foods are soups, often with meat, and various breads, especially chipa, which is flavoured with cheese and egg. Corn is a staple ingredient in many dishes, including sopa paraguaya, a pie made from corn, eggs, and milk; avatí mbaipy, a corn soup; and mbaipy he-é, a dessert made from corn, milk, and molasses. Beer and caña, a cane sugar spirit, are popular drinks. Yerba maté, the local herbal tea, is consumed year-roundchilled in summer, hot in winter. A common pastime is drinking tereré from a shared gourd or from a hollowed cows horn, or guampa, which often is beautifully carved.

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    Geography Now! PARAGUAY

    Population: 43 million. Compare this to Mexicos 130 million and Colombias 50 million. At 2.78 million Km, this narrow country stretches all the way from the tropics to the bottom of the world. Ushuaia, which sits at the narrow end of Argentina near the South Pole is the most southern city in the world.

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    The Eastern Region: Paranea

    The Eastern region extends from the Río Paraguay eastward to the Río Paraná, which forms the border with Brazil and Argentina. The eastern hills and mountains, an extension of a plateau in southern Brazil, dominate the region. They reach to about 700 meters above sea level at their highest point. The Eastern region also has spacious plains, broad valleys, and lowlands. About 80% of the region lies below 300 meters in elevation; the lowest elevation, 60 meters , occurs in the extreme south at the confluence of the Río Paraguay and Río Paraná.

    The Eastern region is drained primarily by rivers that flow westward to the Río Paraguay, although some rivers flow eastward to the Río Paraná. Low-lying meadows, subject to floods, separate the eastern mountains from the Río Paraguay.

    The Eastern region as a whole naturally divides into five physiographic subregions:

  • the Central Lowland
  • the Ñeembucú Plain
  • In the east, the heavily wooded Paraná Plateau occupies one-third of the region and extends its full length from north to south and up to 145 kilometers westward from the Brazilian and Argentine borders. The Paraná Plateau’s western edge is defined by an escarpment that descends from an elevation of about 460 meters in the north to about 180 meters at the subregion’s southern extremity. The plateau slopes moderately to east and south, its remarkably uniform surface interrupted only by the narrow valleys carved by the westward-flowing tributaries of the Río Paraná.

    Life In The Paraguayan Society

    Traditionally, gender-based roles defined life in the Paraguayan society. Men were regarded as the breadwinners while women concentrated on maintaining the household and engaged in childcare. In rural areas, Paraguayan women have always participated in agricultural work, either in the family-owned farms or as laborers in other farms. Today, however, the gender-based differences are gradually disappearing. A significant section of the Paraguayan women participates in the rural and urban workforce. Many are employed in skilled labor jobs. Women are also represented in government and politics. However, gender-based disparities in earning still exist. The gap is slowly narrowing.

    Although nuclear families are the norm, the extended kin plays an important role in the life of an individual in Paraguay. The kin may be called on to provide support during times of need. Godparents are often chosen by the parents and thus fictive kin ties are established.

    Infants are adored by Paraguayans. Both men and women showed infants with attention and affection. In the poorer communities, children are expected to start assisting their parents in work since an early age. Primary education is free and compulsory but the literacy levels are low among the countrys poor.

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    Which Is The Closest Country To Argentina In South America

    The geography of Argentina describes the geographic features of Argentina, a country located in Southern South America. Bordered by the Andes in the west and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, neighboring countries are Chile to the west, Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, and Brazil and Uruguay to the northeast.

    The Culture Of Paraguay

    • Traditional barbecue of Paraguay is called Asado and is a popular social event.
    • Rebozo, a traditional shawl, is worn by rural women over a simple skirt and blouse or dress.
    • Oral literature in Paraguay has a long history.
    • Guarania and Paraguayan polka are the folkloric traditional music of the country.
    • Football and basketball are the most popular sports in Paraguay.

    The South American country of Paraguay, one of the two landlocked nations in the continent, is home to a population of 7,025,763 individuals. Paraguay has a rich and vibrant culture that is a blend of native Amerindian and Spanish cultures.

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    Departments Of Paraguay Map

    Paraguay is divided into 17 departments and 1 capital city . In alphabetical order, the departments are: Alto Paraguay, Alto Parana, Amambay, Boqueron, Caaguazu, Caazapa, Canindeyu, Central, Concepcion, Cordillera, Guaira, Itapua, Misiones, Neembucu, Paraguari, Presidente Hayes and San Pedro. Asunción is the Distrito Capital. These departments are further subdivided into districts . The districts are further divided into municipalities and rural districts.;

    The landlocked nation of Paraguay covers an area of 406,752 sq. km. Located on the east bank of Paraguay River is, Asunción – the national capital and the largest city of Paraguay. It is one of South America’s “oldest cities”, and is the administrative, cultural and industrial center of Paraguay. Asunción is also the principal port of the country.

    East And West Of The Paraguay River

    • The east of the Paraguay river, where the capital of Paraguay and where most of the residents of Paraguay live, is grassy plains and small, wooded hills.
    • Near the water on the west side of the Paraguay river, it is very marshy. Further west of the river, it slowly become dry and thorny shrubs.
    • Paraguay is semi-tropical to temperate. It gets a lot of rain in the east, while as you go west it gets more and more dry and arid.

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    Literature Art And Craft In Paraguay

    For a long period of time, written literature in Paraguay was restricted due to widespread poverty and low literacy levels. Also, the period of Stroessner’s dictatorship suppressed the activities of free-thinking writers and poets. However, Paraguay does have an active literary tradition with most of the works being written in Spanish. Oral literature in Paraguay, however, has a long history. Folktales and legends have been passed down through generations by word of mouth.

    The folk art scene of the country is very rich. Some of the most famous folk art forms from the country include embroidery, clay work, ceramic work, silver filigree jewelry production, spider web-like lace production, etc.

    Economics And Land Use

    Paraguay history and geography

    Uruguay’s economy is considered very strong and is consistently one of the fastest-growing in South America. It is dominated by an “export-oriented agricultural sector,” according to the CIA World Factbook. The major agricultural products produced in Uruguay are rice, wheat, soybeans, barley, livestock, beef, fish, and forestry. Other industries include food processing, electrical machinery, transportation equipment, petroleum products, textiles, chemicals, and beverages. Uruguay’s workforce is also well-educated and its government spends a large part of its revenue on social welfare programs.

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    Physical Features Of Paraguay

    • Lake Ypoa, about 40 miles away from Asuncion, is the largest lake in Paraguay at less than 12 miles wide. It is a marshy area not for the common tourist, as it can be very dangerous. Much wildlife lives here, including a wide variety of birds and;crocodiles.
    • The Paraguay river is a river that divides the east and west sides of Paraguay. It is the source for all of Paraguay’s hydro-electric power and is one of the most important things in the life of some Paraguayans.

    Economics And Land Use In Paraguay

    Paraguay’s economy is a market one focused on the re-export of imported consumer goods. Street vendors and agriculture also play a large role and in the country’s rural areas the population often practices subsistence agriculture. Paraguay’s main agricultural products are cotton, sugarcane, soybeans, corn, wheat, tobacco, cassava, fruits, vegetables, beef, pork, eggs, milk, and timber. Its largest industries are sugar, cement, textiles, beverages, wood products, steel, metallurgic, and electricity.

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    Where Is Paraguay

    The landlocked nation of Paraguay is located in central South America. It is dissected by the Topic of Capricorn and is geographically positioned both in the Southern and Western hemispheres of the Earth. Paraguay is bordered by Bolivia to the north and northwest; by Brazil to the east and northeast and by Argentina to the west, south and southeast.

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